Friday, May 29, 2009

Planet Earth (God's Portfolio)

 How can anyone say that there is no God when visual documents such as Planet Earth exists? This absolutely beautiful documentary of our planet is a testimony of God's art. We are God's art. We are not this spontaneous clash of evolution alone, but a combination of our divine father's endless imagination and logic. Remember, a day in God's eyes is 1,000 years in ours. Think about it.

God Spotted
Where: Our planet
How: Watching Planet Earth
Scripture: 2 Peter 3:8

Friday, May 15, 2009

He is the Sun

I was waiting for my one and only to come and console me from my rough day when the clouds suddenly made way for the ever glorious sun. If there is any doubt in your mind that God exists just look at the sun (for as long as you can). It seemed to shine down on the Earth with such confidence and splendor. As soon as it touched my face I felt God. I knew, I knew that it was him....But how many days of our lives have we spent feeling the warmth of his sun and not acknowledging Him? Let's change that. Let's start to thank God for this wonderful gift he has given us today!

God Spotted
When: A cloudy day in NY
Where: Brooklyn, NY
How: watching the sun
Scripture: Genesis 1

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

It all Started with Kitty Litter!

Every morning I wake up, pray, then grab the Bible and read any scripture that I happen to stumble upon. This morning I read Isaiah 42 and Acts 8:26-40. Upon reading these chapters I felt as though God was telling me to be a servant for him. And just the other night I was thinking to myself that I should create a blog for God. So, anyhow, the kitties needed cat litter so I jumped out of bed and walked across the street to the market. I bought the litter and headed back home. I was just about to cross the street when an older lady whispered to me "Miss!" I turned and noticed that she had a cane and was holding some rather heavy groceries. She asked me if I would help her so I grabbed her groceries and began tot escort her across the street. She began to thank God and say God bless you and all those nice things. But then our conversation got a little deeper. She asked me about myself as she in turn told me about herself. She told me how she loved Jesus and that she waited on that sidewalk for someone to help her and when she saw me she knew. Her unwavering faith and love for God amazed me as she talked about how the doctors said she wasn't going to live to see 59 and now she's 67!  She said "I asked God to let me see 70 and I know he will let me live until then, because I asked! I was reading Isaiah this morning and God said I know your name! He knows my name! I'm not just....anybody! He loves me! Before you leave my house I want you to know that God loves you! Forget your mother, your father, anyone!...No one loves you like God."......I really needed to hear her words. Lately I've just been so worried about finances and my mind has just been so boggled. But this woman. This woman with serious health problems stood in front of me with faith stronger than the arms holding her groceries, looked at me and told me that she will live to see 70 because she asked. People....there is a God out there, right now, stopping death, answering prayers, and taking a simple errand like getting cat litter and turning it into a blessing. I love God. It's so funny. He told me this morning that he wanted me to serve him and in my mind I was like sure, I'll make the blog today...but little did I know he'd give me something to blog about on my way to the store.

God Spotted
When: This morning
Where: Across the street from my house
How: Helping a neighbor
Scripture: Isaiah 42 and Acts 8:26-40

I found God!!

 Walking through the isle of the supermarket can sometimes feel like our journey through life. So many choices! You might say to yourself "should I be good and buy the healthy cereal or.....go for the Captain Crunch?" I'm sure you all are sitting in front of the safety of your computers thinking "Der! The healthy cereal!" But what happens when you are actually in the isle? What happens when your best friend isn't there to hit your hand when you go for the Count Chocula? What then?..... You go to God. God is the strength to do the right thing even when you don't have it yourself. God is the one that helps you load your shopping cart with good things that will help you through life instead of hinder you.....But first you gotta empty the cart of all the old stuff. You have to submit yourself to him and accept him....And once you will begin to see what I see. See how God is everywhere! I tell you it's like that scene in Interview with the Vampire when Brad Pitt awakens after being bit for the first time and Tom Cruise says "Now look with your new vampire eyes"....Ha! I kid you not. The stronger your relationship is with God the more he will reveal himself to you. And when you find him, you also find you.